Thursday, February 3, 2011

Welcome to my blog!!

    Greetings!!  This is my first venture into the arena of blogging.  Hopefully I will be successful in accomplishing my goals through my posts.  I'm not really even sure how I want to structure this first post so as to give you my vision for this blog.  I do not want this to be just a place for me to come and go on and on about myself, but rather a place to be used to gather information and to share information with me.  So saying that I guess I should let you in on what my purpose for this blog is.
    I love running.  Recently I have gotten into the world of ultra running.  More specifically trail ultra running.  When I first started out my initial road block came in the form of a lack of trails.  I did not know where to turn to find the information I needed.  My first step was to use the internet to search for trails and trail running.  This did not yield the results I was looking for.  Eventually I found the trails local to me through constant searching and conversations with people who have knowledge of our immediate surrounding counties.  The hardships of trying to find the appropriate trails that I wanted to run on lead me to the idea of starting a blog, such as the one you are reading, as a place to consolidate trail information for people in my region/state/southeast who are also looking for such knowledge.  And when you cannot find what you want you just have to go and make it yourself right?
    Also I am a running gear junkie.  I love looking at gear, touching gear, imagining myself using running gear, staring at shoes, reading gear blogs.  I love it.  I am nerdy that way.  So I will be reviewing items I use and sharing photos and such on this blog as well. 
    I  plan on having a lot of pictures on this site.  Now that I have a way to carry around my old digital camera I will be snapping all kind of pictures of the trails that I run.  I am a visual person and so this will be a visual blog.
    DISCLAIMER:  I am no running or nutrition or anything expert.  I will only be sharing the things I personally learn or experience.  I want this site to be a two way learning environment.  I do not believe I can ever learn enough.  So if you have insight that I am lacking then please share it constructive and positive way.
    Well I hope you enjoy my blog and stick around.  And feel free to share.  I will be updating with posts on the trails I run and gear I use soon.  Hopefully the weather clears up so I can get back out there and take pictures.  Stay tuned!

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